The Social Media Modellers Meet, Greet and Display Area will be located on the mezzanine floor adjacent to the café overlooking the smaller hall/competition area with seats and tables available for people who mostly interact with other modellers via social media; e.g Facebook and Twitter, to meet up and if they wish, display and discuss their models. There are no restrictions on using the area other than you will need to pay the show admission fee, unless you are with one of the displaying exhibitors and have been issued with a pass. We would ask that users act reasonably and do not flood the tables with their models, we suggest two or three maximum depending on size.
Please note that the area will be available during the whole time that the show is open to the public - from 10.00 to 16.00. However people are free to come and go as they wish, so if there is someone you particularly want to meet up with it is recommended that you make individual arrangements beforehand. Also be aware that any models on display will also be visible to the general public and while "Please do no touch the models" signs will be in place and stewards in attendance the organisers cannot accept any responsibility for any damage to them.
We hope this facility will prove popular with visitors to Midland Expo 2015 and if successful will continue in future years.