Saturday, 28 July 2012

Announcement; Midland Expo 2013 date.

Midland Expo 2013 will be held on Sunday 28th July 2013.

This is a radical change to our traditional show date and has come about to avoid clashing with other major model shows and with such events as airshows to which many of our regular attendees would be going. The mid May date, that we have in the past used, clashed this year with IPMS Barnet's show at the RAF Museum, Hendon which resulted in a number of traders and clubs that would have liked to be at both shows being forced to make a choice which to attend. The nett  result being that both clubs/shows lost out, and to avoid a repetition of this situation we have liaised with Barnet. For next year the museum have again offered them the same weekend and as IPMS Birmingham is in the position of having a venue with more dates available we have decided to move the date of our show. This in itself threw up a few problems as most weekends during the late spring and early summer period are already taken with other model shows, Bank Holidays, airshows and the like so we have decided on the the last weekend of July which falls into the traditional holiday (Midlands industrial fortnight) period. However, as this has now been largely superceded by more flexible holiday arrangements, especially with the predominance of service industries, it is therefore less of a factor and given the current economic conditions could be turned to our advantage being a relatively cheap day out for cash strapped young families.

We would like to thank IPMS Barnet's show committee for their positive and constructive contribution to our discussions and hope that they will be exhibitors at Midland Expo 2013.

The venue remains the same; Cocks Moors Woods Leisure Centre and Golf Course, Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham. B14 6ER.

Midland Expo 2013 show poster

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