Friday, 8 October 2010

Trade Space prices

Owing to unforeseen additional costs and the increase in VAT in the new year the management committee of Midland Expo 2011 has decided at the October meeting that it will be necessary to increase the charge for trade spaces to £40.00 per 6' x 6' unit (From £35.00 per unit). We regret this increase and will honour those bookings already paid at the lower price.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

August 2010 update

The work of organising Midland Expo is moving ahead steadily, we now have an online booking form for exhibitors which an be found on the Exhibitors Page.

Invitations will be going out to both traders and exhibitors in the next couple of weeks, wherever possible emailed as a PDF or by hand at shows e.g. The Avon show at Yate Sunday 22nd August.

The second Management Committe meeting was held on Sunday 15th August and resulting from it, George Green has now taken on the role of Competition Secretary to be assisted by Dave Marsh.

An A4 Poster is now available in PDF format;

If you have a Google account you can download the poster by clicking on the image in the sidebar to the right. If you do not have a Google account or have any difficulty downloading please click here to request an emailed copy.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Management Committee

The Midland Expo management committee has now been formed and roles allocated, as follows;

Exhibitor bookings Secretary; Gareth Thomas

Trader Bookings Secretary; Terry Walton/Roland Turner (Provisional)

Publicity Officers; David Child(non-Internet) and  Roland Turner(Internet)

Treasurer; Bob Nash

Competition Secretary; Terry Walton and Dave Marsh(deputy)

Clubs, IPMS branches and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) can now book space to exhibit at the show by going to the Exhibitors Page and completing the online booking form.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Update, Mid May 2010

With just under a year to go - keep a watch on the countdown to the right - the momentum is slowly beginning to build.

The announcement of the return of Midland Expo has generated favourable feedback and we have already received enquiries and interest from a number of exhibitors and traders, as follows:


The following traders have either expressed an interest, or have provisionally booked space, Avid Reader, Collectakit, Little Cars, Parabellum and Paul Davis Decals, they are for now unconfirmed.


The following clubs and special interest groups have provisionally booked space IPMS Coventry and Warwickshire, Locate & Cement.

We will be sending out formal invitations and booking forms in the near future, to keep postage costs down, where-ever possible these will be emailed in PDF format.

A full show committee is being formed and the contacts for trader and exhibitor liaison roles will be announced shortly.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Announcement; Midland Expo 2011

IPMS Birmingham is pleased to announce the return of Midland Expo at a new venue,  Cocks Moors Woods Leisure Centre and Golf Course, Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham. B14 6ER., in 2011.

Cocks Moors Woods represents a considerable improvement in facilities over our previous venue, the Leasows Centre, with a larger hall, a restaurant and licensed bar, also on site are a swimming pool and a golf course

We have a confirmed date of  Sunday 15th May 2011 for the show and look forward to seeing many of the regular exhibitors, traders and vistors who used to attend Midland Expo at the old venue.

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